Thursday, July 4, 2013

365 Days of Giving Thanks - July 4th Edition

Day 226 - Thursday 7/4/13 - Surprised that I lasted as long as I did at the barbeque this afternoon - thankful that the Pup was so good, that I was able to enjoy family time while it lasted, and that we were able to celebrate independence day together!

Day 225 - Wednesday 7/3/13 - Thankful to catch some beautiful fireworks on my way home tonight - got to enjoy the beauty without enduring the bang!

Day 224 - Tuesday 7/2/13 - So appreciate the beauty of my neighborhood.... such a pretty walk with the Pup this evening!

Day 223 - Monday 7/1/13 - Thankful for a good night of sleep!  I missed that!

Day 222 - Sunday 6/30/13 - Appreciating the little relationships being built with the local farmer's market vendors - had my first food truck experience today thanks to one, and it was yum!

Day 221 - Saturday 6/29/13 - Excited about a home improvement project I'm planning, and thankful that I have the time to do it this summer!

Day 220 - Friday 6/28/13 - Grateful for a day of rest....


  1. I enjoyed reading all of the things for which you were thankful ~ this is an excellent idea and one I should probably journal about each week. I know I sometimes feel nothing goes my way, but to have a written account of the simple pleasures, I might begin seeing the larger picture and how much more I really have to be thankful for! Love this post and concept! Judi

    1. Thanks Judi! I actually start a draft post every Friday, and each night before bed I record the gratitude for the day. Feel free to grab the TT button (on the right, or email me and I can send it to you!) and join in!


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