Thursday, October 30, 2014

365 Days of Giving Thanks - Year 2

Day 354 - Thursday 10/30/14 - Thankful for the little loves that remind me why I teach.... like two separate students asking for hugs on the way out at the end of the day.  You want a hug? You can happily have one.

Day 353 - Wednesday 10/29/14 - Relieved that the "big family dinner" tonight was nearly event free.  This is a very, very rare occasion, and is a very good thing.

Day 352 - Tuesday 10/28/18 - Happy that I finally, Finally realized how to NOT over-schedule my day, which magically allowed everything on the agenda to be completed!

Day 351 - Monday 10/27/18 - SO thankful the Pup is back to his usual, playful self!  I've been waiting for his return!

Day 350 - Sunday 10/26/14 - Thankful for the extra snuggly Pup that I have today, even if it's cause he's not feeling himself.  Mommy time makes things better, or so I've been told, so I'm hoping that's what we're having today.

Day 349 - Saturday 10/25/14 - Kinda happy to see while grading tests that maybe I am a good teacher after all.

Day 348 - Friday 10/24/14 - Had a delicious dinner from a favorite restaurant and ate it while holding my adorable little niece!

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