Thursday, February 6, 2014

365 Days of Giving Thanks - Year 2

Day 80 - Thursday 2/6/14 - Thankful for my therapist.  And her faith in me.

Day 79 - Wednesday 2/5/14 - Thankful the drive wasn't as bad as the snow tried to make it!

Day 78 - Tuesday 2/4/14 - Appreciate the patience of my students today.

Day 77 - Monday 2/3/14 -  So in love with the Pup, even more so today as we celebrate his birthday today!

Day 76 - Sunday 2/2/14 - Reminded how helpful pro/con lists can be, especially when they are weighted.  It's as if the decision makes itself.

Day 75 - Saturday 2/1/14 - Loved the day in, even though I'm sad I missed my dietitian today cause of the snow.

Day 74 - Friday 1/31/14 - Felt nice to have the time to get prepared for the next few weeks of school!

1 comment:

  1. I love these little gratitude lists. I need to get back to doing this myself.

    Also, pro/con lists? My favourite :-)


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