Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Two Years Wise!

Two years! 
Can you believe it's been two years? 

(Technically, this is a little late, and it's now been two years and two weeks, but whatev.) 

Two years of (somewhat) regular blogging has really been an adventure for me. Looking back over the posts from..... I've been a lot of places inside these past two years, and not many of them have been sunshine and roses. 

But you know what? That's ok. Cause everywhere I've been, I've learned..... 

And I'm ok with the fact that I still have lots and lots and lots to learn...... 

Thank you friends and followers, for your support on this journey! 

Here's to two more years!
(maybe even more!)


  1. Definitely more!!

    Congratulations! It's a pretty lovely feeling - knowing you've kept up with something, and knowing that you have the ability to look back and see where you grew from!

    I look forward to following along for years to come!

    1. Thanks, Amanda! It has sure been an interesting journey! And for sure the best part is that I can go back and look at the journey!

  2. Here's to your two years and to many more to come! After all, all of life is learning and growing - that will never stop and we'll be here treasuring that growth with you. :)

    1. Love this: live is learning and growing...... that's for sure! Thanks for sticking along during the journey!

  3. Wow, two years!

    Congrats lovely one.

    Best wishes xo

  4. That really is an amazing accomplishment! I've proven I can't seem to find the time even weekly and your commitment is admirable!!!! ~ Happy November A Month for Giving Thanks! :)

    1. Happy November to you, Judi! Looking back, I've definitely had months of more frequent posting and months of very few posts - the ebb and flo of blogging, I suppose!

  5. Happy Blogaversary! Here's to many more!! :)

  6. Congrats to you on a job well done. This journey is as unique as you but as common to many. Glad to be apart of it.

    1. Thank you thank you! SO SO glad you're a part of it! Couldn't be doing this without you!


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