Thursday, December 5, 2013

365 Days of Giving Thanks - Year 2

Day 16 - Thursday 12/5/13 - Thankful for my amazing ability to blow things out of proportion.  It's always fun when my therapist shrinks said things back into reality.

Day 15 - Wednesday 12/4/13 - Appreciate that others recognize my abilities and look to me to help them hone theirs.

Day 14 - Tuesday 12/3/13 - Thankful that I recognized when I was being treated unkind today.  I didn't do anything about it, but recognizing it is a good first step.

Day 13 - Monday 12/2/13 - Thankful that my therapist pointed out that I have, actually, started standing up for myself and did so twice alone today!  I never would have recognized it had she not pointed it out.  Small as it may be, it's progress!

Day 12 - Sunday 12/1/13 - Kinda surprised and pleased that I managed to get super detailed lesson plans written for the full-on-crazy week ahead!

Day 11 - Saturday 11/30/13 - Thankful for the unseasonably warm weather that made a nice long walk with the Pup quite pleasant!

Day 10 - Friday 11/29/13 - Grateful to finally have made time for reading, it's been so nice getting lost in the pages of books again.......

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