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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Back on the Roller Coaster

Do you like roller coasters?  I used to. I don't know if I still like them, cause I don't know if my stomach could handle it!  I'd like to think that I'd still enjoy the ride, though, especially considering it only usually lasts less than three minutes!  The last time I was on a roller coaster I actually blacked out down the first HUGE hill.  It.  Was.  Awesome!

There is one roller coaster I definitely don't like.  And it's one I've had to ride way too many times in the last few years.  Nearly every ride has resulted in mass chaos, both internal and external, and has tossed my life into the trash for a while.  Some have lasted a very long time, while others were short jaunts.  The best ones were short jaunts with a long shelf life.

It's the medication roller coaster I speak of.  And I just climbed back on.  There is good news, though!  After stopping (slowly, of course) my previous medication, my nightmares have completely vanished.  Totally and entirely gone!  It's been six months of hauntingly horrible nightmares (ironically coinciding with the beginning of a specific medication) that nearly instantly ceased within days of discontinuing that med.  I was thrilled!

The down side is that now I have to get used to a whole new medication, complete with side effects (not sure how they'll hit, if they hit at all) and all the internal crud that goes along with it.  I'm hoping that this is one of the more enjoyable roller coaster rides.  And a short lived ride, too!


  1. Roller coasters, UGH! I hate both varieties. I hope your current ride is a smooth one!

    1. I think I'm just starting to get used to the ride? Maybe?

  2. Ah meds are fun aren't they? Good luck with the news ones - hopefully there are lots of benefits and few side effects.

    1. So far, not too bad, actually. Hopeful for this one. Then again, I was really hopeful for the last few, too.

  3. I'm a huge fan of real roller coasters, but not this other kind.

    I hope the transition is smooth, and that you don't have any serious side effects.

    1. Thankfully, there have been no major side effects. That in itself is a huge relief!


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